Eesti Verivorsti Pidu sündis 2016. aastal. Peo korraldajateks oli Tallinna Lauluväljakul aastatel 2017-2022 toimunud Eesti Toidumess - Sööma! tiim. Kord aastas talve hakul toimuvat maitsvat rahvapidu korraldati Eesti verivorstikultuuri populariseerimiseks ja toodete tarbimise edendamiseks toidumessi talvise missioonisündmusena.
Alates 2022. aastast korraldab Eesti Verivosti Pidu Grillfesti tiim üks kord aastas novembrikuus toimuva kogupere degustatsioonipeona sarjas "Grillfest tuleb külla!" Tutvustame verivorste- ja -käkke ning muid toidutooteid, mis meie talvisele toidulauale hästi sobivad, et poodi minnes oleks hästi teada mida osta tasub. Sissepääs on kõigile tasuta.
Eesti Verivorsti Peo koduleht:
Estonian Blood Sausage Party
The Estonian Blood Sausage Party was launched in 2016. The organizers of the party were the team of the Estonian Food Fair - Bon Appetit! which took place at the Tallinn Song Festival grounds from 2017 to 2022. The delicious party, held once a year at the beginning of winter, was organized as a winter mission of the food fair to popularise Estonian blood sausage culture and promote consumption of its products.
From 2022, the Estonian Blood Sausage Party will be organized by the Grillfest team. A tasting party for the whole family is held once a year in November as part of the Grillfest Comes to Visit series! We introduce blood sausages and other foods that are good for our winter table. That way, when you go to the shop, you'll know exactly what's worth buying. Admission is free for everyone.Estonian Blood Sausage Party website: